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Joshua Moore
Joshua Moore

Diffusion Of Innovations Theory Pdf Free [UPDATED]

Rogers began his research by studying the mechanisms by which American farmers successfully adopted the agricultural innovations developed at land-grant universities. In a series of diffusion studies across multiple areas, Rogers found that innovations that have these 5 characteristics -high relative advantage, trialability, observability, and compatibility, and low complexity- are likely to succeed over innovations that do not.

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I was personally able to verify that Everett Rogers's 5 diffusion factors were as evident in educational technology, as they have been in the multiple industries Rogers and his colleagues studied over the past half-century. In 2006, I conducted a study to examine the factors contributing to the successful diffusion of technological innovations in the K12 classroom. A series of 37 potential diffusion factors were identified, and 43 educational technology innovations were examined to see if they exhibited those characteristics. The innovations were also given a rating as to how successful they were in the marketplace. Neural network and multiple regression analysis suggested that the same 5 factors that Rogers identified in his diffusion of innovations research were also the most predictive of an educational innovation's chances of success in the market.

In the early 20th century, diffusion theory became popular in the field of rural sociology. Specifically in the midwestern United States. It was used to study how independent farmers came to adopt hybrid seeds.

Abstract:COVID-19 has caused a devastating impact on public health and made the development of the COVID-19 vaccination a top priority. Herd immunity through vaccination requires a sufficient number of the population to be vaccinated. Research on factors that promote intention to receive the COVID-19 vaccination is warranted. Based on Diffusion of Innovations Theory, this study examines the association between the perceived efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccination, use of social media for COVID-19 vaccine-related information, openness to experience and descriptive norm with the intention to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, and the moderating role of openness to experience among 6922 university students in mainland China. The intention to receive the free and self-paid COVID-19 vaccination is 78.9% and 60.2%, respectively. Results from path analyses show that perceived efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccination, use of social media for COVID-19 vaccine-related information, and openness to experience and descriptive norm are all positively associated with the intention to receive COVID-19 free and self-paid vaccination. The association between the perceived efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccination and descriptive norm with the intention to receive the COVID-19 vaccination is stronger among those with a lower level of openness to experience. Our findings support the usefulness of Diffusion of Innovations Theory and the moderating role of openness of experience in explaining intention to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.Keywords: COVID-19 vaccination; diffusion of innovations theory; perceived efficacy of vaccine; social media; openness to experience; descriptive norm

Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) is a theory popularized by American communication theorist and sociologist, Everett Rogers, in 1962 that aims to explain how, why, and the rate at which a product, service, or process spreads through a population or social system. In other words, the diffusion of innovation explains the rate at which new ideas and technology spread. The diffusion of innovation theory is used extensively by marketers to understand the rate at which consumers are likely to adopt a new product or service.

The diffusion of innovation theory explains the rate at which consumers will adopt a new product or service. Therefore, the theory helps marketers understand how trends occur, and helps companies in assessing the likelihood of success or failure of their new introduction. By utilizing the diffusion of innovation theory, firms can predict which types of consumers will purchase their product/service and create effective marketing strategies to push acceptance through each category.

using the framework enables the conduction of studies encompassing qualitative, quantitative and mixed approaches, applicable for the identification of the need for innovation in the elaboration, design, implementation, evaluation and adjustment of the innovations. The diffusion process evaluation through the elements of innovation, time, social systems and communication channels enables apprehending contributing factors for the success of a given innovation.

the theoretical perspective herein presented offers conceptual grounds to apprehend the process corresponding to the diffusion of innovations in the health field, through sensitive models and evaluation and elaboration of diffusion processes suitable for various contexts.

Diffusion of innovations involves different conceptions, dimensions and contexts of application; consequently, it is understood under different theoretical approaches.1111. Greenhalgh T, Papoutsi C. Studying complexity in health services research: desperately seeking an overdue paradigm shift. BMC Med [Internet]. 2018 Jun 20 [cited 2021 Jun 10];16(1):95. Available from: -018-1089-4 -018-1089-... -1212. Ferreira JL, Ruffoni J, Carvalho AM. Dinâmica da difusão de inovações no contexto brasileiro. Rev Bras Inov [Internet]. 2018 Jan-Jun [cited 2021 Aug 24];17(1):175-200. Available from: In this article we highlight Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations Theory (DIT), which has been the basis for studies to evaluate diffusion of innovations in the health area and which can also be used in Nursing, qualifying the evaluation of innovations.1313. Camargo FC, Iwamoto HH, Monteiro DAT, Lorena LT, Pereira GA. Avaliação de intervenção para difusão da enfermagem baseada em evidências em hospital de ensino. Rev Gaucha Enferm [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2021 Aug 24];37(spe):e68962. Available from: -1447.2016.esp.68962 -1447.2016.e... -1414. Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovation. 3rd ed. New York, NY(US): The Free Press; 2003. 576 p.

By emphasizing people at the center of the evaluation process of innovations in the DIT, it is understood that the perception of innovation can change over time. Innovation is disseminated from the interaction processes in which people and the innovation itself are involved. It is necessary to know the process corresponding to the diffusion of innovations and the transformation that take place regarding its adoption. What is considered innovative depends on the people's perception (the potential adopters) about the transformations provided by the innovation.1414. Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovation. 3rd ed. New York, NY(US): The Free Press; 2003. 576 p. Use of the DIT in the health field was the object of a review study that pointed out the beneficial aspect of the theory and its timeless character.1515. Rago CAP, Zucchi P. Electronic Patient Record: how the diffusion of innovations theory can collaborate in its Implementation. J Health Inform [Internet]. 2017 Apr-Jun [cited 2021 Aug 24];9(2):57-61. Available from: _04_464.pdf

In this sense, in order to be accepted, innovations have their own characteristics that awaken in potential adopters the recognition of favorable and qualifying transformations of daily life in its various contexts. Thus, the innovation itself has characteristics that influence its diffusion among the adopters, which are conceptualized in the DIT as attributes of an innovation, namely: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, experimentation and observability.1414. Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovation. 3rd ed. New York, NY(US): The Free Press; 2003. 576 p.

Complexity of the innovation is linked to the perception of difficulty in using and understanding it by those who adopt it. In some specific situations, the importance of complexity bears no comparison with the relevance of the relative advantage and compatibility. As an example, the author cites the process of computer diffusion, in which, despite difficulty of use, people who admire technologies insist on using them, mobilized by their own need to meet the demands of daily work and various other contexts. However, in the DIT, innovations recognized as complex in their use tend to have difficulties in their diffusion process, and may even be rejected, underused or replaced over time.14

In the DIT, the communication channels constitute another fundamental element in the process corresponding to the diffusion of innovations. Communication is a process for the creation and exchange of diverse information between individuals and/or groups, in order to reach mutual understanding on a given topic. Starting from this perspective, it is noted that the communication process that involves innovations encompasses three stages.1414. Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovation. 3rd ed. New York, NY(US): The Free Press; 2003. 576 p.

Knowledge: it concerns the search for knowledge about the innovation, which can occur in the dimensions of awareness (awareness-knowledge), referring to the existence of innovation, use of the innovation (how-to knowledge) and the principles of the innovation (principles-knowledge).1414. Rogers EM. Diffusion of innovation. 3rd ed. New York, NY(US): The Free Press; 2003. 576 p. 15. Rago CAP, Zucchi P. Electronic Patient Record: how the diffusion of innovations theory can collaborate in its Implementation. J Health Inform [Internet]. 2017 Apr-Jun [cited 2021 Aug 24];9(2):57-61. Available from: _04_464.pdf -1616. Rogers EM, Singhal A, Quinlan MM. Diffusion of innovations. In: Satcks DW, Salwen MB, Erichhorn KC, orgs. An integrative approach to communication theory and research [Internet]. 3rd ed. New York, NY(US): Routledge; 2019. p. 415-34. [cited 2021 Aug 24]. Available from:

Persuasion: in the DIT's perspective, persuasion does not refer to a type of induction, differing in the sense of inducing human behavior to something, because the potential adopter will have his autonomy of critical analysis, experimentation and, finally, of decision.1515. Rago CAP, Zucchi P. Electronic Patient Record: how the diffusion of innovations theory can collaborate in its Implementation. J Health Inform [Internet]. 2017 Apr-Jun [cited 2021 Aug 24];9(2):57-61. Available from: _04_464.pdf 350c69d7ab


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