Modern Computer Architecture Rafiquzzaman Pdf 23: The Best Textbook for Computer Engineering Students and Professionals
Modern Computer Architecture Rafiquzzaman Pdf 23: A Comprehensive Guide
If you are interested in learning about modern computer architecture, you may have come across a book called Modern Computer Architecture by Muhammad Rafiquzzaman. This book is one of the most popular and widely used textbooks on the subject, covering both the theoretical and practical aspects of designing and implementing computer systems. In this article, we will give you a comprehensive guide on what this book is about, what are the main features of the 23rd edition of the book, and what are some of the key concepts and principles of modern computer architecture that you can learn from it. We will also discuss some of the current applications and trends in modern computer architecture, such as embedded systems, multiprocessor systems, and parallel computing. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what modern computer architecture is, why it is important, and how you can use Rafiquzzaman's book to master it.
Modern Computer Architecture Rafiquzzaman Pdf 23
What is modern computer architecture?
Modern computer architecture is the study of how to design and implement computer systems that can efficiently execute programs written in high-level languages. It involves understanding the trade-offs between performance, cost, power consumption, reliability, security, and scalability of various hardware components and software techniques. Modern computer architecture also encompasses the integration of different types of processors, memories, input/output devices, and networks to form complex systems that can meet the diverse needs of various applications.
Who is Rafiquzzaman and why is his book important?
Muhammad Rafiquzzaman is a professor emeritus of electrical engineering at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. He has over 40 years of teaching and research experience in computer engineering, with a focus on computer architecture, microprocessors, embedded systems, digital logic design, and assembly language programming. He has authored or co-authored more than 20 books and over 100 papers on these topics. He has also received several awards for his excellence in teaching and research.
His book Modern Computer Architecture is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date textbooks on modern computer architecture. It covers both the theoretical foundations and the practical applications of modern computer architecture, with an emphasis on problem-solving skills. It also provides numerous examples, exercises, case studies, projects, and online resources to help students learn effectively. The book is suitable for undergraduate and graduate courses in computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, and related fields.
What are the main features of the 23rd edition of his book?
The 23rd edition of Rafiquzzaman's book is the latest and most revised version of his book. It incorporates the latest developments and trends in modern computer architecture, such as multicore processors, cloud computing, GPU programming, IoT devices, and artificial intelligence. It also updates and expands the coverage of topics such as instruction set architecture, processor design, memory hierarchy, input/output, embedded systems, multiprocessor systems, and parallel computing. Some of the main features of the 23rd edition are:
It provides a balanced and comprehensive treatment of both the hardware and software aspects of modern computer architecture.
It explains the concepts and principles of modern computer architecture in a clear and concise manner, with an emphasis on intuition and understanding.
It illustrates the concepts and principles with real-world examples and case studies from various domains, such as multimedia, gaming, scientific computing, and artificial intelligence.
It includes more than 500 figures and tables to enhance the visual presentation and comprehension of the material.
It offers more than 1000 end-of-chapter problems to test and reinforce the students' knowledge and skills.
It provides online access to additional resources, such as lecture slides, solutions manual, sample programs, simulation tools, and video lectures.
Modern Computer Architecture Concepts and Principles
Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)
The instruction set architecture (ISA) is the interface between the hardware and the software of a computer system. It defines the set of instructions that the processor can execute, the format and encoding of these instructions, the registers and memory locations that can be accessed by these instructions, and the exceptions and interrupts that can occur during instruction execution. The ISA also determines the functionality, performance, compatibility, portability, and security of a computer system.
There are two main types of ISA: reduced instruction set computer (RISC) and complex instruction set computer (CISC). RISC ISA has fewer and simpler instructions that can be executed in one or a few clock cycles. CISC ISA has more and complex instructions that can perform multiple operations in one instruction. RISC ISA aims to achieve high performance by exploiting instruction-level parallelism, pipelining, and compiler optimization. CISC ISA aims to achieve high performance by reducing the number of instructions required to execute a program, simplifying the compiler design, and supporting complex operations.
Some examples of RISC ISA are MIPS, ARM, PowerPC, SPARC, and RISC-V. Some examples of CISC ISA are x86, x86-64, VAX, Z80, and 68000.
MIPS and ARM architectures
MIPS and ARM are two of the most widely used RISC architectures in modern computer systems. MIPS stands for microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages. It was developed by John Hennessy and his colleagues at Stanford University in the 1980s. It is based on a load-store architecture that uses separate instructions for loading data from memory to registers and storing data from registers to memory. It also uses a fixed-length 32-bit instruction format that can be easily decoded and pipelined. MIPS supports multiple instruction sets for different applications, such as MIPS32 for 32-bit systems, MIPS64 for 64-bit systems, MIPS16 for embedded systems, MIPS I-IV for backward compatibility, MIPS-3D for graphics processing, MIPS MSA for vector processing, MIPS MT for multithreading, MIPS MCU for microcontrollers, etc.
ARM stands for advanced RISC machine. It was developed by Acorn Computers in the 1980s. It is based on a load-store architecture that uses separate instructions for loading data from memory to registers and storing data from registers to memory. It also uses a variable-length instruction format that can be either 32-bit or 16-bit depending on the mode of operation. ARM supports multiple instruction sets for different applications, such as ARMv1-v8 for general-purpose systems, Thumb for embedded systems, Thumb-2 for enhanced performance and code density, NEON for vector processing, VFP for floating-point processing, TrustZone for security enhancement, etc.
Processor Design and Implementation
Pipelining and parallelism
Pipelining is a technique that divides an instruction execution into multiple stages that can be performed concurrently by different hardware units. For example, a typical five-stage pipeline consists of instruction fetch (IF), instruction decode (ID), execute (EX), memory access (MEM), and write back (WB) stages. By using pipelining, of waiting for the previous instruction to finish. However, pipelining also introduces some challenges, such as data hazards, control hazards, and structural hazards, that need to be resolved by using techniques such as forwarding, stalling, branch prediction, and dynamic scheduling.
Parallelism is a technique that exploits the concurrency of multiple instructions or tasks that can be executed simultaneously by different hardware units. For example, instruction-level parallelism (ILP) refers to the parallel execution of multiple instructions within a single instruction stream by using techniques such as superscalar processing, very long instruction word (VLIW) processing, out-of-order execution, speculative execution, and register renaming. Task-level parallelism (TLP) refers to the parallel execution of multiple instruction streams or threads within a single program or process by using techniques such as multithreading, multiprocessing, multicore processing, and multiprocessor systems.
Superscalar and VLIW processors
Superscalar and VLIW are two types of processors that can exploit ILP by issuing and executing multiple instructions per clock cycle. Superscalar processors use dynamic scheduling to determine which instructions can be executed in parallel at run time. They use multiple functional units that can perform different types of operations, such as arithmetic, logic, memory access, branch, etc. They also use out-of-order execution and speculative execution to overcome data and control dependencies. However, superscalar processors also incur high complexity and power consumption due to the need for large instruction buffers, register files, reorder buffers, reservation stations, etc.
VLIW processors use static scheduling to determine which instructions can be executed in parallel at compile time. They use long instructions that consist of multiple operations that can be executed by different functional units in parallel. They also use in-order execution and non-speculative execution to avoid data and control hazards. However, VLIW processors also suffer from low code density and portability due to the need for large instruction words, compiler dependence, and ISA variation.
Memory Hierarchy and Cache Design
Cache organization and mapping
The memory hierarchy is a structure that organizes different types of memory devices according to their speed, size, cost, and proximity to the processor. The memory hierarchy aims to provide fast and large memory access to the processor by using the principle of locality, which states that programs tend to access data and instructions that are nearby in space or time. The memory hierarchy typically consists of several levels of memory devices, such as registers, caches, main memory (RAM), secondary memory (disk), etc.
Caches are small and fast memory devices that store copies of frequently accessed data or instructions from lower levels of the memory hierarchy. Caches aim to reduce the average memory access time by exploiting temporal locality (recently accessed data or instructions are likely to be accessed again) and spatial locality (data or instructions that are close in address are likely to be accessed together). Caches are usually organized into multiple levels (L1, L2, L3, etc.) with different sizes and speeds.
Cache organization refers to how data or instructions are stored and retrieved from a cache. A cache consists of multiple cache lines or blocks that store fixed-size units of data or instructions. Each cache line has a tag that identifies its address in the lower level of the memory hierarchy. A cache also has a cache controller that performs cache operations such as read, write, hit, miss, replacement, write-back, write-through, etc.
Cache mapping refers to how a cache line is mapped to a specific location in a cache. There are three main types of cache mapping: direct mapping, associative mapping, and set-associative mapping. Direct mapping maps each cache line to exactly one location in the cache based on its address modulo the number of cache lines. Associative mapping maps each cache line to any location in the cache based on its tag comparison with all the existing tags in the cache. Set-associative mapping maps each cache line to one of several locations in a set based on its address modulo the number of sets and its tag comparison with all the existing tags in the set.
Cache coherence and consistency
Cache coherence and consistency are two properties that ensure the correctness and reliability of data access in a multiprocessor system with multiple caches. Cache coherence refers to the property that all copies of a shared data item in different caches have the same value at any given time. Cache consistency refers to the property that all read and write operations on a shared data item are performed in a sequential and predictable order.
Cache coherence and consistency can be violated due to the concurrent and independent operations of multiple processors and caches. For example, if two processors modify the same data item in their respective caches, the caches may become inconsistent and incoherent. Similarly, if one processor reads a data item from its cache while another processor writes to the same data item in its cache, the read operation may return an outdated or incorrect value.
Cache coherence and consistency can be maintained by using various protocols and mechanisms that coordinate and synchronize the operations of multiple processors and caches. For example, some of the common cache coherence protocols are write-invalidate, write-update, write-broadcast, write-once, etc. Some of the common cache consistency models are sequential consistency, processor consistency, weak consistency, release consistency, etc.
Input/Output and Peripheral Devices
Bus standards and protocols
Input/output (I/O) is the process of transferring data between the processor and the external devices, such as keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, disk, network, etc. Peripheral devices are the external devices that perform specific functions for the computer system, such as input, output, storage, communication, etc.
Bus is a communication system that connects the processor and the peripheral devices. Bus consists of multiple wires or lines that carry signals such as data, address, control, power, etc. Bus also has a bus controller that coordinates and regulates the bus operations such as arbitration, synchronization, error detection, etc.
Bus standards and protocols are the specifications and rules that define the characteristics and behaviors of a bus. Bus standards and protocols determine the performance, compatibility, reliability, and security of a bus. Some of the common bus standards and protocols are PCI, PCI Express, USB, FireWire, SATA, SCSI, Ethernet, etc.
Interrupts and DMA
Interrupts and DMA are two techniques that improve the efficiency and flexibility of I/O operations. Interrupts are signals that notify the processor of an event or condition that requires its attention or service. Interrupts can be generated by various sources, such as hardware devices, software programs, timers, exceptions, etc. Interrupts can be classified into different types, such as maskable, non-maskable, vectored, non-vectored, synchronous, asynchronous, etc. Interrupts can be handled by using various mechanisms, such as polling, interrupt service routines (ISR), interrupt handlers, interrupt controllers, etc.
DMA stands for direct memory access. It is a technique that allows a peripheral device to transfer data directly to or from the main memory without involving the processor. DMA can reduce the processor's workload and improve the I/O throughput by bypassing the processor's involvement in data movement. DMA can be performed by using various components, such as DMA controller, DMA channel, DMA request line, DMA acknowledge line, etc.
Modern Computer Architecture Applications and Trends
Embedded Systems and IoT Devices
Microcontrollers and sensors
such as memory, power, processing speed, etc. An embedded system also has strict requirements such as reliability, security, real-time performance, etc. An embedded system can be found in various domains such as automotive, aerospace, medical, industrial, consumer, etc.
A microcontroller is a small and low-cost computer chip that contains a processor, memory, and I/O ports on a single integrated circuit. A microcontroller is often used as the core component of an embedded system that controls the functions and behaviors of other devices or components. A microcontroller can be programmed using various languages such as assembly, C, C++, Java, Python, etc.
A sensor is a device that can detect and measure physical phenomena such as temperature, pressure, light, sound, motion, etc. A sensor can convert the physical signals into electrical signals that can be processed by a microcontroller or other devices. A sensor can be classified into different types such as analog, digital, active, passive, etc. A sensor can be used for various purposes such as monitoring, control, communication, etc.
Real-time operating systems and scheduling
A real-time operating system (RTOS) is a specialized operating system that can provide predictable and deterministic performance for real-time applications. A real-time application is an application that has strict timing constraints and deadlines that must be met to ensure the correctness and quality of the system. A real-time application can be classified into different types such as hard real-time, soft real-time, firm real-time, etc.
An RTOS can provide various features and services such as task management, memory management, I/O management, interrupt management, communication management, etc. An RTOS can also support various programming models such as event-driven, time-driven, hybrid, etc.
Scheduling is the process of allocating and managing the resources of a system to execute the tasks or processes of an application. Scheduling can affect the performance, efficiency, fairness, and quality of a system. Scheduling can be performed by using various algorithms and policies such as first-come first-served (FCFS), shortest job first (SJF), round-robin (RR), priority-based, earliest deadline first (EDF), rate-monotonic (RM), etc.
Multiprocessor Systems and Cloud Computing
Symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing
A multiprocessor system is a computer system that consists of two or more processors that can work together to execute multiple tasks or processes concurrently. A multiprocessor system can improve the performance, reliability, scalability, and functionality of a computer system. A multiprocessor system can be classified into different types based on the architecture and organization of the processors such as shared-memory multiprocessor (SMP), distributed-memory multiprocessor (DMP), non-uniform memory access (NUMA), cache-coherent non-uniform memory access (ccNUMA), massively parallel processor (MPP), cluster, grid, etc.
Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) is a type of multiprocessor system that has two or more identical processors that share the same memory and I/O devices. SMP can provide high performance by exploiting TLP and load balancing among the processors. SMP can also provide high reliability by using fault tolerance and redundancy techniques. SMP can use a single operating system or multiple operating systems to manage the processors and resources.
Asymmetric multiprocessing (AMP) is a type of multiprocessor system that has two or more different processors that have their own memory and I/O devices. AMP can provide high functionality by using specialized processors for different tasks or applications. AMP can also provide high flexibility by using heterogeneous processors with different architectures and capabilities. AMP can use multiple operating systems to manage the processors an