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Homeopathic Book Free !EXCLUSIVE! Download 14

This little gem of a book is perfect for anyone getting started in homeopathy, or for those who want a quick reference guide to first aid homeopathy. If you want to manage accidents and common ailments at home as quickly, effectively and safely as possible then this book is for you. From boils, to sore throat, to vomiting many common ailments are listed. With this new 6th Edition we now have 50 remedies described (was 36), each with an illustration to help you understand their unique and characteristic healing qualities. It is written in straight-forward English with few technical terms, so new-comers to medical and homeopathic terminology will have no trouble understanding the content.Written in good, simple English with 50 lovely remedy illustrations. ContentsIntroductionWelcome To Homeopathic First Aid PrescribingWhat Is Homeopathy?Individual Susceptibility How Does It Work?Guidelines On What You Can TreatThe Discovery Of HomeopathyLike Cures LikePrescribing and dispensingHow do I prescribe?How to store remedies How to take remedies Dosage and repetition Common sense measuresCreams, tinctures and ointments Index to common ailmentsAbscess (See Boils)Altitude sicknessAnticipation/anxietyBites (Also see Stings)Black eye (Also see Eye Injury)BoilsBones (Also see Fractures)BronchitisBurnsCatarrh and common coldsChicken poxCollapseColicConjunctivitisConstipationCoughsCuts and abrasionsDental treatmentDentitionDiarrhoeaDrugsEaracheEye injury (Also see Black Eye)Eye inflammation and eye strainFaintingFever (Also see Common Sense Measures)FluFractures and injuries of jointsGrief (Also see Shock)Hay feverHeadacheHead injury Injuries (See Fractures)MeaslesMotion sicknessMumpsNausea and vomiting (Also see Common Sense Measures)Shock (Also see Fainting and Grief)Sore throatSprains & strainsStingsSunburnSunstrokeSurgeryTeething/toothache (see Dentition)Urinary disordersVomiting and diarrhoeaWhooping cough (Also see Cough Section)RemediesAconiteAntimonium TartaricumApis Argentum NitricumArnicaArsenicum AlbumBelladonnaBryoniaCalcarea Carbonica CalendulaCantharisCarbo VegetabilisCausticumChamomilla Chinchona OfficinalisDroseraEupatoriumFerrum PhosGelsemiumHepar SulphHypericum Ignatia IpecacuanhaLachesis Lycopodium ClavatumMercuriusNatrum MuriaticumNux VomicaOpiumPhosphorusPulsatilla Rhus ToxSepiaSilica StaphisagriaSulphurFurther information Suggested ReadingFinding a homeopathHomeopathy HelplineHomeopathic PharmaciesHomeopathy Courses

Homeopathic Book Free Download 14

Hahnemann began to test what effects various substances may produce in humans, a procedure later called "homeopathic proving". These tests required subjects to test the effects of ingesting substances by recording all their symptoms as well as the ancillary conditions under which they appeared.[43] He published a collection of provings in 1805, and a second collection of 65 preparations appeared in his book, Materia Medica Pura (1810).[44]

In 2009, the United Kingdom's House of Commons Science and Technology Committee concluded that there was no compelling evidence of effect other than placebo.[11] The Australian National Health and Medical Research Council completed a comprehensive review of the effectiveness of homeopathic preparations in 2015, in which it concluded that "there were no health conditions for which there was reliable evidence that homeopathy was effective."[162] The European Academies' Science Advisory Council (EASAC) published its official analysis in 2017 finding a lack of evidence that homeopathic products are effective, and raising concerns about quality control.[13] In contrast a 2011 book was published, purportedly financed by the Swiss government, that concluded that homeopathy was effective and cost efficient.[163] Although hailed by proponents as proof that homeopathy works,[164] it was found to be scientifically, logically and ethically flawed, with most authors having a conflict of interest.[164] The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health later released a statement saying the book was published without the consent of the Swiss government.[165]

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