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Joshua Moore
Joshua Moore

Loopback 2.1.9 ((HOT))

Explanation: The answer is True. The router ID is used by the OSPF-enabled router to uniquely identify the router and for participation in the DR election. In a multiaccess LAN environment, the router with the highest router ID is elected the DR. The routing device with the second highest router ID is elected the backup designated router (BDR).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined')ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'itexamanswers_net-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_11',703,'0','0']);__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-itexamanswers_net-large-mobile-banner-1-0');3. Which of the following is the order of precedence for choosing the router ID?1. Router ID that is explicitly configured2. Lowest IPv4 loopback address3. Lowest active configured IPv4 address1. Router ID that is explicitly configured2. Lowest active configured IPv4 address3. Lowest IPv4 loopback address1. Router ID that is explicitly configured2. Highest IPv4 loopback address3. Highest active configured IPv4 address1. Highest IPv4 loopback address2. Router ID that is explicitly configured3. Highest active configured IPv4 address1. Highest IPv4 loopback address2. Highest active configured IPv4 address3. Router ID that is explicitly configuredExplanation: The correct order of precedence for choosing the router ID is as follows:

Loopback 2.1.9

Edit the /etc/hosts file to remove this mapping, and add a new entry that maps the name of the SGD host to the network Internet Protocol (IP) address of the SGD host. The SGD host name must not be mapped to the local loopback IP address.

If the interface is in shutdown, errordown,or loopback state, this alarm is not generated when the transmit powerfalls below the minimum value. When a link fault occurs, the interfaceenabled with the ALS function sends LOS signals. This alarm is notgenerated when the transmit power or the receive power falls belowthe minimum value. 041b061a72


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